Thursday, September 25, 2008

Metric Time

This entry is for people who want to take a look at the code and at the clock for metric time.


Code begins here:

// This line puts the date object into a variable we can use more easily
var now:Date = new Date();
// These 3 lines put the hours, minutes, and seconds into variables
var hours = now.getHours();
var minutes = now.getMinutes();
var seconds = now.getSeconds();
// Conditional that adds 0 to the front of any hour less than 10
if (hours < 10) {
hours_txt.text = "0" + hours;
} else {
hours_txt.text = hours;
// Conditional that adds 0 to the front of any minute less than 10
if (minutes < 10) {
minutes_txt.text = "0" + minutes;
} else {
minutes_txt.text = minutes;
// Conditional that adds 0 to the front of any second less than 10
if (seconds < 10) {
seconds_txt.text = "0" + seconds;
} else {
seconds_txt.text = seconds;
////////////////////////// THIS CODE IS FOR METRIC TIME /////////////
var metric:Date = new Date();
//This formula is to obtain the amount of seconds according to hours.
var metricHours = metric.getHours();
var metricMinutes = metric.getMinutes();
var metricSeconds = metric.getSeconds();
var metricMiliseconds = metric.getMilliseconds();
var convertedMiliseconds = (metricMiliseconds/1000)/0.864;
convertedMiliseconds_txt.text = convertedMiliseconds;

var secondsinhours = metricHours * 3600;
var secondsinminutes = metricMinutes * 60;
var secondsinseconds = metricSeconds;
var totalSeconds = secondsinhours + secondsinminutes + secondsinseconds;
totalSeconds_txt.text = totalSeconds;

//////Convert total seconds into Metric Seconds
var totalMetricSeconds = (totalSeconds / 0.864) + convertedMiliseconds;
totalMetricSeconds_txt.text = totalMetricSeconds;

///these are the variable for the metric clock hours
var clockmetricHours = totalMetricSeconds/10000;
clockmetricHours_txt.text = "0" + Math.floor(clockmetricHours);
//these are the variables for the metric clock minutes

var clockmetricMinutes = (totalMetricSeconds/100)-(Math.floor(clockmetricHours)*100);
if (clockmetricMinutes < 10) {
clockmetricMinutes_txt.text = "0" + Math.floor(clockmetricMinutes);
} else {
clockmetricMinutes_txt.text = clockmetricMinutes;
//these are variables for the metric clock seconds
var hourstosubstract = Math.floor(totalMetricSeconds/10000);
hourstosubstract_txt.text = hourstosubstract;
var minutestosubstract = Math.floor(((totalMetricSeconds - (hourstosubstract*10000))/100));
minutestosubstract_txt.text = minutestosubstract;
var clockmetricSeconds = Math.floor(totalMetricSeconds - (hourstosubstract*10000))-minutestosubstract*100;
if (clockmetricSeconds < 10) {
clockmetricSeconds_txt.text = "0" + clockmetricSeconds;
} else {

clockmetricSeconds_txt.text = clockmetricSeconds;

Code ends here.


Ray Lee John said...

Hi, I just discovered your youtube video. I wanted to say that I had the same idea about the same time as you as I was visiting friends in Berlin. I started a simple blog to explain my idea:

(I called the clock a Darocri Clock since I worked out the idea with friends (David, Rodrigo, Cristina, thus DaRoCri). Rodrigo is a scientist and Cristina works at the Spanish embassy in Berlin.

If you read my blog you will see that I add an important concept that I haven't seen anywhere else yet: a new middle-length time concept to gap the awkwardness of such long hours. (I called it a "dessy.")

Also a young Swiss man came up with something similar and has made the news lately, but his clock seems to be using two 10-hour periods each day (I say "seems" because I have been told this but haven't read it yet). He has the luck to be the son and grandson of swiss watchmakers. His name is David Chanson and I will look for a link to send to you.

My name is David Hornback. I am an American but I live between Spain and Berlin.

I think that the only way we are going to get a metric day started is by associating with other like-minded people. my email address is :


Ray Lee John said...

Johnny, here is one of the links to the Swiss guy's 10-hour watches. I still suspect that it is a twice daily 10 hours, and not a metric 10-hour-day, but I am not sure.


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