1. The only goal of feminism is equality across genders.
Feminism is the radical notion that men and women are equal.
This line gets thrown around to anyone who dares question feminism in any form.
But, if feminism is only about men and women being equal why is there a “feminist
theory”. Calling it a theory is quite the exaggeration, the same way you could
call phrenology a proven science. Anyone who goes out of their way to not be
called a feminist will most likely tell you that they too believe that men and
women should be equal. What’s more, there are plenty of women who are
anti-feminist who think men and women should be equal. The problem is not this
supposed objective. The devil is in the details. However, by merely assuming
that anyone who is not a feminist must be against equality among the sexes is a
strategy that silences opposition for the fear of being labeled sexist. This brings
us to number two.
2. Not being a feminist is the same thing as being sexist.
We live in a society where nobody likes being called a bigot,
racist, or sexist. These words are thrown around so much nowadays that they
have almost lost any meaning. However, people still cringe when being accused
of such crime. Feminists have managed to convince everyone that not being a
feminist must indicate that the person is sexist or hates women. Anytime
someone does not agree with feminist dogma is immediately labeled a misogynist,
a rape enabler, a woman hater. This one is so deeply seated in the unconscious
of people that they will even throw this out when you argue an unrelated topic with
a supporter of feminism. In an exchange with PZ Myers, I called him an arrogant
snob, and I got a reply from one of his [male] followers calling me a misogynist.
It seems like this dogma has spread so far, that even questioning the feminist
leaders on a topic that is not related to feminism makes you a misogynist. This
is not surprising. Every cult, every religion where dogma is to be swallowed
whole does not allow you to question the leader. Otherwise you risk expulsion from
the group and the overt efforts of the group to shun you and make you a pariah.
Does this ring a bell? I was actually thinking of scientologists who have
defected, but it could very well apply for other well known Youtube atheists.
3. Any arguments brought forward that are not in accord with feminism are dismissed a priori.
I recently had an exchanged on
facebook with someone who labels herself a humanist and a feminist. She was
complaining that she had spent ten minutes on a man rights webpage and that she
now felt she had wasted those ten minutes of her life. Sidenote: Anyone who complains
about having lost time on something is a complete tool. No one is forcing you
to watch, listen or read. You only have yourself to blame. Stop crying about
it. My conversation with this person was short and in it, I explained that even
though I don’t consider myself an MRA, I do believe that there are plenty of
issues that generate inequality and privilege for women that need to be
addressed. This type of commentary can only result in three options. 1. Ridicule--
by making jokes about men rights. “What do you need a men rights group for? To
argue about how you’re going to spend the extra thirty cents you make an hour?”
2. Ad hominem attacks-- “don’t comment on my page, you’re nothing but a
disgusting MRA”, and 3. Dismissal.
Feminist dogma has so blinded these people
that they can’t even consider an argument against their belief system. It is
rejected before they even hear it. In this particular conversation, before I
even had the chance to make an argument, it was dismissed and thrown out. It doesn't matter how polite you are, or how you approach the subject—from the beginning,
you are already wrong—and in my case, irrational.
—Hey fellas, I’ve come to the
conclusion that the earth spins around the sun!
—That’s ridiculous, and blasphemous, how dare you!
—Wait, don’t you want to hear my arguments before you tell me I’m wrong?
—We don’t need to hear them! We know they are irrational. Stop wasting our time.
—That’s ridiculous, and blasphemous, how dare you!
—Wait, don’t you want to hear my arguments before you tell me I’m wrong?
—We don’t need to hear them! We know they are irrational. Stop wasting our time.
This is feminist theory. It has all
the building blocks of a religion and it reeks of dogma. What makes it so
dangerous, is that it has managed to place itself as the righteous and
progressive stance, when it is anything but. It has infiltrated the classrooms
and lecture halls, sports, media and even our politics. Important topics like infant male
circumcision, male reproduction rights, protection for battered men, male
abortion, child custody, alimony laws that were made in a time were women were
completely absent from the professional realm, etc, etc, etc.

—I just start crying and they
usually feel bad for you.
—A little cleavage and a little flirt gets you free.
—A little cleavage and a little flirt gets you free.