Saturday, November 22, 2008
The Atheist Paladin & Naomi94
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Inmendham's Racism
Interestingly enough there are still people who think Inmendham (Gary) is not a racist. I think these people are cynical because the proof is there, and it is clear. He has also stated that he doesn't believe in the documented way the holocaust took place — which makes him a holocaust denier. Inmendham has also stated that he does not like Jewish people very much. That's right folks, he is an anti-semite.
In one of my latest videos I did point this out, and I said that he was insane, because he is insane. He retaliated with another video (big surprise there), and in the video description it he called me a "dirty mexican stink bug". After I said that this was racist, he said that he only put it there to show me that he can also play this game. To this point I don't know what "play this game" means to him. It probably means that he can show that he is a racist, thus validating my point. In the spirit of this hypocrisy, I made one of those inspirational posters to tackle in a comedic way just how racist and hypocritical he really is.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Let me state beforehand that I have absolutely no problem with people loving and caring for anyone who suffers x disease. What is somewhat discomforting, however, is the fanaticism by which some people conduct themselves due to their “awareness” behavior. Learning about Autism is great, and I am sure the person you know that suffers from this disorder is amazing as well. I am sure you love him or her dearly; but to say that their disorder rocks? You have to be completely insane! The only reason I am using Autism in this example, is because it was autism awareness banners and images that triggered it, but it applies to EVERY SINGLE DISEASE AND DISORDER OUT THERE.
These are all disorders that put stress on the family and the patient. These are health issues. And don’t even get me started on “gay pride”. Homosexuals have been trying to convince us for years that homosexuality is not a preference; but that you are born with it (or into it – whatever). I believe them. But, if homosexuality is a trait and not a preference, why are you proud to be gay? Should I be proud of being heterosexual then? Should I be proud of being male, or Mexican, or even 25 years old? Of course not! It is ridiculous. Being proud of being born into something you cannot control is just moronic. Anytime you hear someone say that they are “proud” about something, make sure that something is not a trait they were born with or into. You can be proud of your scholastic achievements. You can be proud of the way you raised your children. But please, don’t be proud of something anyone else could have gotten by the draw of the dice.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Metric Time
This entry is for people who want to take a look at the code and at the clock for metric time.
Code begins here:
// This line puts the date object into a variable we can use more easily
var now:Date = new Date();
// These 3 lines put the hours, minutes, and seconds into variables
var hours = now.getHours();
var minutes = now.getMinutes();
var seconds = now.getSeconds();
// Conditional that adds 0 to the front of any hour less than 10
if (hours < 10) {
hours_txt.text = "0" + hours;
} else {
hours_txt.text = hours;
// Conditional that adds 0 to the front of any minute less than 10
if (minutes < 10) {
minutes_txt.text = "0" + minutes;
} else {
minutes_txt.text = minutes;
// Conditional that adds 0 to the front of any second less than 10
if (seconds < 10) {
seconds_txt.text = "0" + seconds;
} else {
seconds_txt.text = seconds;
////////////////////////// THIS CODE IS FOR METRIC TIME /////////////
var metric:Date = new Date();
//This formula is to obtain the amount of seconds according to hours.
var metricHours = metric.getHours();
var metricMinutes = metric.getMinutes();
var metricSeconds = metric.getSeconds();
var metricMiliseconds = metric.getMilliseconds();
var convertedMiliseconds = (metricMiliseconds/1000)/0.864;
convertedMiliseconds_txt.text = convertedMiliseconds;
var secondsinhours = metricHours * 3600;
var secondsinminutes = metricMinutes * 60;
var secondsinseconds = metricSeconds;
var totalSeconds = secondsinhours + secondsinminutes + secondsinseconds;
totalSeconds_txt.text = totalSeconds;
//////Convert total seconds into Metric Seconds
var totalMetricSeconds = (totalSeconds / 0.864) + convertedMiliseconds;
totalMetricSeconds_txt.text = totalMetricSeconds;
///these are the variable for the metric clock hours
var clockmetricHours = totalMetricSeconds/10000;
clockmetricHours_txt.text = "0" + Math.floor(clockmetricHours);
//these are the variables for the metric clock minutes
var clockmetricMinutes = (totalMetricSeconds/100)-(Math.floor(clockmetricHours)*100);
if (clockmetricMinutes < 10) {
clockmetricMinutes_txt.text = "0" + Math.floor(clockmetricMinutes);
} else {
clockmetricMinutes_txt.text = clockmetricMinutes;
//these are variables for the metric clock seconds
var hourstosubstract = Math.floor(totalMetricSeconds/10000);
hourstosubstract_txt.text = hourstosubstract;
var minutestosubstract = Math.floor(((totalMetricSeconds - (hourstosubstract*10000))/100));
minutestosubstract_txt.text = minutestosubstract;
var clockmetricSeconds = Math.floor(totalMetricSeconds - (hourstosubstract*10000))-minutestosubstract*100;
if (clockmetricSeconds < 10) {
clockmetricSeconds_txt.text = "0" + clockmetricSeconds;
} else {
clockmetricSeconds_txt.text = clockmetricSeconds;
Code ends here.
The Jewish Experiment
As I have stated before, and still do on occasion in my Youtube videos, I was raised in a Catholic family. This fact has never been disputed by anyone, nor has it been taken skeptically. People believe me when I tell them this, and go with it. However, I'd like to start a very unscientific experiment. This experiment is mostly to satisfy my own curiosity. I will start telling people that I was brought up Jewish, and that although have become an atheist, still follow jewish traditions. I'm pretty sure most of the people that watch me regularly, as well as my friends will either not buy it, or will become confused. I'm sure lots of them will even ask me outright to clarify the situation. In spite of this, I shall not answer. Maybe some of them will even read this entry and learn the truth. To them, I ask silence. The reason I'm posting this blog entry is simply to safeguard myself from future attacks from people that may suggest that I have been lying all along. With this blog entry, I can prove — thanks to the date published along, that it is only a scheme to satisfy my curiosity.
The Experiment
The structure of the experiment is quite simple. I will pretend to be the son of Jewish parents, and although having left the faith some time ago, I will imply that I wish to continue some Jewish traditions due to "cultural learning and support". In the first video I do (coming up soon), I will say that my parents have asked me to come back home to be with them in the Jewish new year. The Jewish New Year is right around the corner. This year it will fall on Tuesday, September 30th and it is called Rosh Hashanah.
I will make the story even more interesting by asking people what they think I should do, since my parents also expect me to go to temple during Yom Kippur. I'm pretty sure I can make the videos with a straight face, and someone who doesn't know much about it will not know any different. I will embed the Youtube videos to this entry as soon as they are available, and you will be able to see them in the following section. As time goes by, I will keep on this Jewish spurious trend. I'm also planning on doing videos against Christianity, and most notably against Muslims. The reasons behind this are discussed in the following section.
What's the Point?
The point of this experiment is to see the reaction of people. I have been called a "Jew" before, and many people have suggested that I look "Jewish" (whatever that means), so I'm pretty sure I can pull it off. I want to see what kind of hate Jews can receive by simply stating the views of other religions. In my anti-christian videos, I'm expecting to get the Mel Gibson reaction: eg You are nothing but a Jewish cunt. You are going to hell for killing Jesus. You jews should accept Jesus! etc.In the anti-muslim videos I'm expecting the obvious death threats and people calling me a jewish pig. I'm not sure, but maybe I will also do anti-atheist videos, but that might be trickier since I am already stating that I have "lost my jewish faith and am only jewish by 'culture'". That will be decided as the experiment progresses.
The Videos
In this section I will post the videos I have made that have anything to do with the experiment.
Update 09/25/2008
I’m impressed. I think I might be a better liar than I give myself credit. Just 10 minutes after I uploaded my video, my friend Ssanf responded with a very nice heart-warming message.
Your parents will not always be with you. Just go to temple and be nice. Remember that they love you and miss you. Dont pass up this opportunity to spend some time with them and make them happy. For all you know it may be your last one.
And then with this
Johnny, you are 25. Time has a funny way of getting away from us. Soon, you may find that holidays are going to be the only time that you ever do see your parents. It is best to start learning how to get through them gracefully, now. My 25 year old close friend lost both his parents last year and TJ lost his dad. I am sure both would go to a religious service a hundred times over to have just one more day with their parents. No angry god will get you, no principle be broken by going. Do go.
This made me feel a bit bad. People were taking my video quite seriously! I can’t help but to feel a bit like a cheater. To this point no one has noticed the confusion. Except for this guy who posted this:
Dejame ver... tienes raices judias y fuiste a escuela catolica? ... bueno, ya nada mas te falta pasar tiempo como monje budista :)
En mi opinion, no tiene nada de malo ir a pasar fiestas religiosas con tu familia. A mi me gusta pasar la navidad con mis familiares sin importar que no sigo la religion. Al fin de cuentas es una buena excusa para pasar un buen rato en familia. Lo importante, creo yo, es que ellos respeten el que tu no participes en misa y que los acompanias por el carino de familia.
I’ve known some Jewish parents who send their children to catholic schools. This is basically because of the academic level of the school and not because of their philosophy. I have to admit that it is a bit rare, but I’ve seen it happen. In the university where I earned my degree in Psychology (a very catholic university), about 30% of the population was Jewish. It wouldn’t be far fetched to think that I could be Jewish and attended a Catholic school. However, it does sound a bit fishy.
Something interesting that I’ve learned this far, is that most people expect you to continue religious traditions for the sake of your family. To be honest, I never felt this was the case when people knew I came from a Catholic tradition. Could it be that people are easier on Jewish customs? That’s an interesting hypothesis worth exploring in the future. My first reaction would be to think that people take Jewish religion and culture with more open arms than other forms of religion. I think this has to do with the fact that Jews don’t knock on your door on Sundays. Nevertheless, antisemitism is still quite visible in the world, but I wonder if the negative reaction is to the customs themselves or to the people that follow it. (Another interesting question that needs to be researched).
The experiment is going even better than I expected. I expected people to be a little suspicious or to ask questions, but either they forgot that I was raised Catholic, or they solve the cognitive dissonance by explaining possible alternatives: eg Maybe his father is jewish and his mother is not. He follows some Jewish traditions while he only went to Catholic school. Who knows? The important thing is that it worked. Now, in order to not feel bad, I have set myself to take home the lesson here so that my friends’ advise does not go to waste. I have been asked to go to church before. Although I am not going to go every Sunday, I might look at it differently whenever there is a wedding or a First Communion, or something like that. To all my friends who have sincerely given me their advise; Thank You. I can guarantee it will not fall into deaf ears.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Why People Should not Vote for Obama
According to this statistical data, we can assume that about half of the american people believe that the McCain-Palin ticket is the best choice for their country. Or at least they think that it is a better choice than the Obama-Biden ticket. It matters little to them the astonishing similarity between McCain’s policy and that of George W Bush, which has failed in all respects. Especially in the economic respect. This morning the Dow Jones and Nasdaq stock market fell, while the oil prices soar to a new record high. The federal government wants to apply a seventy billion dollar buy out to protect American people from disaster. America has already fallen in recession and all that the government can do, is to provide a parachute to fall a little slower – but the falling is inevitable. McCain, on this same token, pronounced a couple days ago that “[t]he economic foundation is still strong”. This suggests that he knows little about economics, or that himself as well as his advisors are in denial of the future that awaits America.
To this day, my prediction is that Obama will be the winner of the upcoming elections, especially with the economic news of today. But what is shocking is the amount of people still willing to vote for the GOP. Or perhaps these people have not yet had to face any economic struggle, or they are just ignorant about this respect, or could not care any less about economics. I am well aware that many of the people that will vote for McCain will do so in one of the following reasons:
- Religious adherence to christianity
- Family or personal tradition of voting Republican
- Issues regarding the Iraqi war
- Bigotry towards black people
For many people (and this is no surprise), voting for B Obama is not an option because of his skin colour. Even if his political platform may be better. But whichever reason it may be, the fact remains that about half of the American people will vote for McCain in this election.
As I sit writing this, I wonder… If McCain wins the election, and the economy plummits, as I am sure it will, people will blame Bush, McCain and the Republican party. But, if Obama wins and he is not able to salvage the economy from another great depression, people will blame “the black guy”. Eight years of Bush disaster will not be enough to account for the disaster that is inevitable. Obama will be the scapegoat of all the Bush legacy, which includes pulling out from a lost war, which requires an incredible expertise and, sadly human lifes. This can only mean, a backlash for Republicans in 2012.
I believe that if Obama were to win this election, the Democratic party will suffer from the mistakes of the Bush doctrine. If, on the other hand, McCain wins, it will strengthen the Democratic party to an extent unimaginable. Considering this, you may see me rooting for Obama, while unconsciously wishing for a McCain victory. Even though, nothing is scarier than seeing Palin in the whitehouse.
More Hate Mail 09/22/2008
I have decided that I will post all my hate mail on this blog. It makes for fun reading!
mpbikerxt has sent you a message on YouTube:
this is a good one.
Have you ever served? I have - Honorably and selflessly. What kind of coward does it take to attack a soldier who has sacrificed so much. Those willing to do violence will always dominate those who aren't. Sink or swim, bitch. Do something positive for your country. Don't be jealous you never had the courage to put yourself in harms way for those who can't defend themselves. That's exactly what the OEF/OIF conflict was about - A tyrant who massacred his own people. But f*ck'em, right? That's what you're saying.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Don't knock on my fucking door
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Death Threat on Youtube
I had to block him because not only did he attack me, he basically went and attacked every single person that posted a positive comment to my video.But being attacked by war mongers on YouTube® doesn't really bother me. What bothers me is that this shithead had the balls to leave this comment:
SNAKE85EYEou fucking cunt. I served in IRAQ, and that gives me more rights than you. That gives me the right to come and slap the fuck out ofn you. Where do you live tough guy? You want to take on a fucking troop, lets roll bitch. Put me in a room with 5 mother fuckers who have your mouth and I guarantee I will be the only one walking out of there... You fucking pussies... You have no fucking right or freedom of speech on this particular subject. Try and say this shit to a soldier, see what happens FAG
What pisses me off is not the fact that he comes around threatening with violence. I am absolutely sure that this person could never come to my house. Most probably, if this is his attitude in life, he will most probably end up in jail soon. I even thought about sending the comment to youtube, since they have a policy against violence threats, however, contacting them is such a hassle that I think it is better to just ignore him. As this moment I have blocked him and am expecting him to create a new account to "finish the job". Maybe this is what is to be expected from people returning from a war?